In 2018 I toured a vo-tech school, with absolutely no intent on attending. I figured I would check out the networking classroom given my interest in desktop computer hardware at the time. In that room I saw my first Cisco router, ASA, and switch. I went home and didn’t stop thinking about how cool I thought that hardware was. That weekend I had my parents drive me to the bookstore where I found a set of CCNA Routing and Switching books. When I got home, I dove straight into the ICND1 books, not knowing anything about networking. Everything was confusing and foreign to me, but that only made me want to read more. I went on to complete my CCNA at 16, CCNP 18 at, and now at 21 I am a few months away from taking a crack at the CCIE. More recently, I have been gaining an interest in protocols, standards, and standards bodies. As network engineers are forced up the stack, I am choosing to move down to the lower levels which is significantly more interesting to me.
Currently, I am a technical leader focused on Infrastructure at a financial institution. My day job consists of the full Cisco stack. Weather its ISE, Nexus, Meraki, Umbrella, FTD, or Secure Client it’s in my wheelhouse. I also do freelance consulting where I help companies with infrastructure improvement projects at a technical level.
Contact Me
Email: mreimert[at]mertandhouse[dot]com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/masonreimert