My free SD-Access workbook will take you from beginner to feeling comfortable with SDA. The workbook challenges you to build the fabric yourself by giving each step of building the fabric as a lab task for you to complete with a complete answer key at the end of the book.
A prerequisite to the workbook is having CML, DNA, and ISE installed. You can also use EVE-NG but there are some odd performance issues I’ve experienced, and you will have to manually build the topology from the workbook. The culmination of all of these solutions will require about 380GB of RAM, 80 CPU cores, and 3TB of SSD storage. If you need help deploying these resources, I have a video on YouTube that touches on these topics. ISE is a well-documented install, DNA center on the other hand is not.
Once you have DNA, ISE, and CML installed you can download the lab YAML file and workbook are below.
All of this content is free for everyone to use to learn but certainly not free for me to create. Donations are welcome and help me further myself to continue offering free resources like this one.
I’m looking to replicate this lab and wondering if there has been improvement on the required resources for this lab.
I’m looking at a PowerEdge R650XS
64C (Intel Xeon Gold 6338 Processor)